{% sw_extends '@Storefront/storefront/layout/meta.html.twig' %}
{% set tsConfig = config('trustedShopsApp.config') %}
{% set tsChannelId = context.salesChannel.id ?? null %}
{% set activeLanguageIsoCode = page.header.activeLanguage.translationCode.code ?? null %}
{% set tsChannelRef = tsChannelId ~ '.' ~ activeLanguageIsoCode %}
{% block layout_head_javascript_tracking %}
{{ parent() }}
{% if tsChannelId is not null %}
{% if tsConfig[tsChannelId][activeLanguageIsoCode].widgets is defined and tsConfig[tsChannelId][activeLanguageIsoCode].widgets is not null %}
{% if tsConfig[tsChannelId][activeLanguageIsoCode].widgets is defined and expectedMapping[tsChannelRef] === tsConfig[tsChannelId][activeLanguageIsoCode].widgets.eTrustedChannelRef %}
{% set widgetConfig = tsConfig[tsChannelId][activeLanguageIsoCode].widgets.children.0 %}
{% sw_include '@Storefront/storefront/includes/script-assembler.html.twig' with {
scriptConfig: widgetConfig
} %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}